Estrela fitness do Instagram combate covid-19 a beber batidos com esperma do marido

Aos 32 anos, Tracy Kiss surpreendeu tudo e todos ao afirmar que está a combater a covid-19 a beber batidos onde mistura o esperma do marido.

Aos 32 anos, Tracy Kiss surpreendeu tudo e todos ao afirmar que está a combater a covid-19 a beber batidos onde mistura o esperma do marido.

Esteticista vai a casa de cliente arranjar-lhe as unhas e acaba morta por jacaré

Estrela do Instagram é mãe de dois filhos

A estrela fitness do Instagram revelou que os batidos estão a impulsionar o seu sistema imunitário, ajudando-a a não ficar contagiada. Tracy diz mesmo que todas as pessoas deviam fazê-lo pois é uma medida que ajuda a impedir a infeção pelo coronavírus.

Tracy é vegan e mãe de dois filhos. Nas suas redes sociais revela que já prepara batidos com esperma há cerca de três anos, dizendo depois que, desde essa altura, não teve qualquer gripe nem constipação.


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Rate my window out of 10? 💙 Then click the link in my bio for my exclusive content🔥 They say the best views come after the hardest of climbs my darlings and that’s not just literal, metaphorically our mindsets need realigning from time to time too. We can all too easily get swept up into the hum drum of life and repetition of eat, sleep, work, repeat that we forget to see the bigger picture. We forget to question “is this good for me?” “Am I happy?” “Do I deserve more?” “Should I be here?” Instead we seem to just settle for what we know, accept negativity and put our homes and dreams into a box without a key whilst we focus on paying bills and living for the weekend. Our sight gets clouded, our judgement fails us when we allow the same negative actions and people over and over again. So wash your windows, blink your eyes clear and recognise that the way we were living wasn’t ok, that world, that life needed to change for the better and that’s what we’re seeing and experiencing now. We may still be in the midst of chaos and change but very soon we’ll come out the other side to a bright and beautiful new world of love and opportunity. Align your mindset accordingly, reassess your priorities and this time be wholeheartedly true to yourself – who you are and what you really want in life. We’ve been given a second chance to start over, don’t waste it by repeating the same mistakes 🙏🏼 #quarantinelife #roomwithaview #stayathome #coronavirus #pandemiclife

Uma publicação partilhada por Tracy Kiss🇬🇧 (@tracykissdotcom) a

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